Using Google Sites, I collaborated with group members to make an informational website. Internet safety is very important so we each created a page.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Journal 6: Student Voices for Change (NETS-T 1,2,3,4)
Miller, S. (2011). Student voices for change. Learning and leading with technology, 38(8), Retrieved from
This article was about giving students an opportunity to share with others, especially adults, how technology has influenced them and how it has improved their learning. One school provided students one-on-one laptop use. They were able to be creative, innovative, and collaborative. Some students then presented in front of Iowa legislature by using Prezi, videos, blogs, etc. By the end of the students' presentations, they were able to get legislature to think about how more schools can incorporate technology. This opportunity not only allowed students to use their technology skills, but they were able to gain confidence and the skills they need to succeed.
Q1: What can schools do that don't have computers for everyone?
They can do what these students were able to do. Maybe get a group of students together to share their thoughts, experiences, and needs in the classroom at a city meeting or even the state legislature. Raising awareness in their community in anyway would probably be helpful. They could do fundraisers to raise money for more supplies or possibly go to the library to have computer access.
Q2: What was the result of having students present to Iowa's legislature?
I understand that raising awareness is important and letting the students be leaders and participate in their community is important, but I'm unclear of what the legislature actually did after these presentations. They asked the students what they could do for them, which is great. However, did the legislature provide more schools with more technology resources?
This article was about giving students an opportunity to share with others, especially adults, how technology has influenced them and how it has improved their learning. One school provided students one-on-one laptop use. They were able to be creative, innovative, and collaborative. Some students then presented in front of Iowa legislature by using Prezi, videos, blogs, etc. By the end of the students' presentations, they were able to get legislature to think about how more schools can incorporate technology. This opportunity not only allowed students to use their technology skills, but they were able to gain confidence and the skills they need to succeed.
Q1: What can schools do that don't have computers for everyone?
They can do what these students were able to do. Maybe get a group of students together to share their thoughts, experiences, and needs in the classroom at a city meeting or even the state legislature. Raising awareness in their community in anyway would probably be helpful. They could do fundraisers to raise money for more supplies or possibly go to the library to have computer access.
Q2: What was the result of having students present to Iowa's legislature?
I understand that raising awareness is important and letting the students be leaders and participate in their community is important, but I'm unclear of what the legislature actually did after these presentations. They asked the students what they could do for them, which is great. However, did the legislature provide more schools with more technology resources?
Journal 8: Find the Truth about the Pacific Tree Octopus (NETS-T 1,2)
Ferrell, K. (2011). Find the truth about the pacific tree octopus. Learning and leading with technology, 39(1), Retrieved from
The title of the article is definitely intriguing. However, this article was about the importance of knowing how to research. Ferrell discusses that many students don't understand how not everything they find on the internet is true and accurate. For an activity, he told his students to either research "all about explorers" or "the tree octopus." Most of the students found websites that looked real, but were full of false information. Ferrell teaches the importance of the 5 Ws. When looking at a website look for who, what, where, when, and why.
Q1: What did you think about the activity Ferrell had his students do?
I thought this was a great way to introduce students in how to research. The topics he gave his students to research sounded interesting which made researching fun. I liked how after the students shared their information they were able to see how their information conflicted. I also liked how this transitioned into how to research and what makes a good website.
Q2: What are some other ways to teach/incorporate how to research?
Something that could be fun for students to do is an internet scavenger hunt. I remember doing something like that in one of my classes to find reliable resources. This way students have a list of what they specifically need to find, but they get to navigate the internet on their own.
The title of the article is definitely intriguing. However, this article was about the importance of knowing how to research. Ferrell discusses that many students don't understand how not everything they find on the internet is true and accurate. For an activity, he told his students to either research "all about explorers" or "the tree octopus." Most of the students found websites that looked real, but were full of false information. Ferrell teaches the importance of the 5 Ws. When looking at a website look for who, what, where, when, and why.
Q1: What did you think about the activity Ferrell had his students do?
I thought this was a great way to introduce students in how to research. The topics he gave his students to research sounded interesting which made researching fun. I liked how after the students shared their information they were able to see how their information conflicted. I also liked how this transitioned into how to research and what makes a good website.
Q2: What are some other ways to teach/incorporate how to research?
Something that could be fun for students to do is an internet scavenger hunt. I remember doing something like that in one of my classes to find reliable resources. This way students have a list of what they specifically need to find, but they get to navigate the internet on their own.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Journal 9: Assistive Technology (NETS-T 4)
Communication -1 no/low tech and 1 high tech:
AAC or Augmentative and Alternative Communication is communication that isn’t oral. People with speech or language problems rely on this method to communicate their thoughts, needs, and wants. There are low tech and high tech tools in order to communicate.
A low tech aid doesn’t use batteries and isn’t electronic. These are simple aids that include pictures or books, letters, phrases, or symbols. An example of a low tech AAC device is the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). This was originally created for people with autism in 1985. Individuals are taught how to communicate using pictures. They use pictures to communicate what they want. They start off using single pictures, then overtime, build-up to using pictures to make sentences and answer questions.
A high tech aid would be the Dynavox V+ device. This device has a voice output system. A voice output device talks for you. It allows people to communicate using a computerized voice. This helps nonverbal communicators to be better understood.
Accessibility- 1 hardware and 1 software option:
It is important to try to include students with special needs in the classroom. Technology is becoming more readily available to teachers, making it more accessible to students with special needs. These programs not only can benefit students with special needs, but can benefit the whole classroom environment.
One hardware option could be the Tobii eye tracker. The Tobii eye tracker is an input device that helps students with disabilities. This device allows students to use the computer by using their eyes. The computer tracks the users eyes and enables them to navigate the computer and write without physically touching the screen.
AAC or Augmentative and Alternative Communication is communication that isn’t oral. People with speech or language problems rely on this method to communicate their thoughts, needs, and wants. There are low tech and high tech tools in order to communicate.
A low tech aid doesn’t use batteries and isn’t electronic. These are simple aids that include pictures or books, letters, phrases, or symbols. An example of a low tech AAC device is the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). This was originally created for people with autism in 1985. Individuals are taught how to communicate using pictures. They use pictures to communicate what they want. They start off using single pictures, then overtime, build-up to using pictures to make sentences and answer questions.
Accessibility- 1 hardware and 1 software option:
It is important to try to include students with special needs in the classroom. Technology is becoming more readily available to teachers, making it more accessible to students with special needs. These programs not only can benefit students with special needs, but can benefit the whole classroom environment.
One hardware option could be the Tobii eye tracker. The Tobii eye tracker is an input device that helps students with disabilities. This device allows students to use the computer by using their eyes. The computer tracks the users eyes and enables them to navigate the computer and write without physically touching the screen.
One software option could be something called intillikeys. This program plugs into the computer's USB port. This allows teachers to create their own keyboards in order to meet their student's specific needs. Students can work on math, reading, writing, art, and email. There is also personal touch control and extra support for problem areas like low vision and fine motor skills.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
I brainstormed NETS-T narrative ideas by using the inspiration program. I used pictures and symbols to represent words and give visuals. I also used arrows to show how each idea is connected.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Journal 7: My Personal Learning Network (NETS-T 3,4,5)
A PLN is a Personal Learning Network. It is how people connect with others in order to continue to learn new things throughout their life. PLNs can help people get questions answered, is a good way to find new resources, and can give support. My Personal Learning Network consists of Twitter, Diigo, my blog and other web based tools.
Twitter can play an important role in a Personal Learning Network. It is a good tool for educators to connect and chat to gain resources, links, and tools to help them be effective teachers. I participated in an educational chat on Tuesday August 2nd 2011 at 12 pm with #edchat. I noticed how throughout this particular chat, many people were providing links to helpful sites and tools. A couple people would ask questions, but I found that not many of them were answered. I did look up many of the links that were suggested and found some really helpful ones. A couple were on how to be a good teacher, how to respond to difficult behaviors in the classroom, and icebreakers for the first day. I can see how these websites and ideas could help me in the future. This chat also gave me more ideas of who I should follow on Twitter. The people I follow on Twitter are tedtalks, MissAPatterson, web20classroom, hootsuit, and vh1savethemusic. I am following these people and groups because they all have given good resource links and are interested in education. I found a couple from the #edchat I did.
Diigo has been a good networking tool because I have been able to bookmark or save helpful websites. By bookmarking websites or articles, I am able to look at them in the future on any computer, which can be very helpful in the future. I bookmarked a twitter4teachers site that contained helpful links. I also bookmarked math games because I am interested in making math fun and exciting. I also bookmarked using music in the science classroom. I feel that music is really important and with it being cut in many schools it is important to find ways to incorporate it into other subjects. Another site I bookmarked was personal learning networks 101. This site gave helpful information for starting a PLN and expanding it.
I joined the digital discussion forum, Classroom 2.0. This site provides resource for educators and is a great way to gain support digitally. I watch a couple videos, but one that stood out for me was called “Let’s Digitize!” It was made by a middle school. It was a song/rap about how students are going to be more excited about learning something new if you use what they are interested in, like technology. Students are going to be more innovative if you give them more ways to explore and learn rather than having them read or write on paper.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Journal 4: One Size Never Fits All (NETS-T 1)
Courduff, J. (2011). One size never fits all. Learning and leading with technology, 38(8), Retrieved from
Summary: It is important for teachers to be able to include technology with special eduction. This article was about how teachers need individual and group mentoring, collaboration, and support. Teachers should be trained by hands-on workshops, e-portfolios for students, online collaboration, and social networking. Technology can be very beneficial for all types of students. Students who aren't good readers or don't enjoy reading books, would most likely benefit from reading online. The same goes for writing. If a student has trouble writing, they could benefit from a speech-to-text application in word. This enables a student to speak their thoughts to a computer. Then the student can write using a Fusion app where what they type will be read back to them. It is an interactive and fun way to learn how to write and to be excited about learning.
Q1: Do you see yourself using technology to help all students succeed?
I do not plan on specializing in teaching special ed, however, I can see how these reading and writing programs can help all students, not just special education students. These programs can help anyone that has trouble reading or writing and allows the students to be hands-on in their learning. Using the computer to learn provides new and different experiences to help students remember and practice skills.
Q2: What are some other ways technology can be beneficial in the classroom?
I think that movies or video clips can be beneficial to all students because they provide pictures along with words. Seeing and hearing at the same time can help students remember what they learn. Other technologies that can make leanring fun might be taking pictures and making a collage or portfolio and describing what is going on in the picture.
Summary: It is important for teachers to be able to include technology with special eduction. This article was about how teachers need individual and group mentoring, collaboration, and support. Teachers should be trained by hands-on workshops, e-portfolios for students, online collaboration, and social networking. Technology can be very beneficial for all types of students. Students who aren't good readers or don't enjoy reading books, would most likely benefit from reading online. The same goes for writing. If a student has trouble writing, they could benefit from a speech-to-text application in word. This enables a student to speak their thoughts to a computer. Then the student can write using a Fusion app where what they type will be read back to them. It is an interactive and fun way to learn how to write and to be excited about learning.
Q1: Do you see yourself using technology to help all students succeed?
I do not plan on specializing in teaching special ed, however, I can see how these reading and writing programs can help all students, not just special education students. These programs can help anyone that has trouble reading or writing and allows the students to be hands-on in their learning. Using the computer to learn provides new and different experiences to help students remember and practice skills.
Q2: What are some other ways technology can be beneficial in the classroom?
I think that movies or video clips can be beneficial to all students because they provide pictures along with words. Seeing and hearing at the same time can help students remember what they learn. Other technologies that can make leanring fun might be taking pictures and making a collage or portfolio and describing what is going on in the picture.
Journal 3: Abracadabra–It's Augmented Reality! (NETS-T 1&2)
Raphael, R. (2011). Abracadabra-its augmented reality!. Learning and leading with technology, 38(8), Retrieved from
Summary: Augmented Reality is when things appear to be real. It is adding layers of information to the real world, often in real time. This article talked about how augmented reality can be included in the classroom. For example, Zooburst is a digital storytelling tool for creating AR viewable pop-up books. Students can drag and drop elements to tell a story. Students can also use Kid pix, photoshop, and comic life. These applications enable students to be creative and innovative by learning at the same time. These applications make learning fun. There are also mobile apps that provide extra information when pointed at objects or places.
Summary: Augmented Reality is when things appear to be real. It is adding layers of information to the real world, often in real time. This article talked about how augmented reality can be included in the classroom. For example, Zooburst is a digital storytelling tool for creating AR viewable pop-up books. Students can drag and drop elements to tell a story. Students can also use Kid pix, photoshop, and comic life. These applications enable students to be creative and innovative by learning at the same time. These applications make learning fun. There are also mobile apps that provide extra information when pointed at objects or places.
Q1: How can augmented reality be incorporated into the classroom?
One way to incorporate augmented reality in the classroom is to make a storybook. For example, lets say the class is learning about an event in history (the American Revolution). The students could first learn about the American Revolution, do some research on the internet, then create a book. By creating a book on what occurred enables the students to find a creative way to show what happened. They have to find/take pictures and can experience augmented reality.
Q2: Do you see yourself using augemented reality in the classroom?
Once I learn how to use these neat tools, I definitely see myself using this in the classroom. I can see how it makes learning fun and exciting. Students usually remember the fun ways they learned something so by using augmented reality, students are able to be involved and creative in their learning.
Once I learn how to use these neat tools, I definitely see myself using this in the classroom. I can see how it makes learning fun and exciting. Students usually remember the fun ways they learned something so by using augmented reality, students are able to be involved and creative in their learning.
Journal 2: "Join the Flock"
Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock. Learning and leading with technology, 37(8), Retrieved from
Summary: It is important for educators to have a PLN or Personal Learning Network. Twitter can play a large role in a PLN. The article went on to say how it is important to have a good bio because people often to choose whether or not to follow you based on your bio. Twitter provides an opportunity for educators to come together to talk about good educational resources as well as ideas or issues. At first you don't necessarily have to say anything in the conversations, you can read and learn. After you find people to follow, conversations come to you. It is also important to "retweet" information so that helpful links/tips can be shared with more people. That is often how you get more people to follow you. The next step is to then join the conversations and to share your ideas. Using hashtags or the pound sign is also important because it gives you more exposure.
Q1: How can I use twitter to help me become a better teacher?
Twitter can enable to be a better teacher by giving me access to more resources. There are people out there who have probably been in situations in the classroom that I haven't and I can learn from them. Twitter can provide access to more information without having to do much work finding it. Instead of possibly spending hours looking for answers or tips, twitter can provide immediate responses to questions or problems.
Q2: How can I contribute to Twitter?
I can contribute by sharing my findings with the twitter world. If I come across a good article I read or learned something interesting, I can post a link to share with others.
Summary: It is important for educators to have a PLN or Personal Learning Network. Twitter can play a large role in a PLN. The article went on to say how it is important to have a good bio because people often to choose whether or not to follow you based on your bio. Twitter provides an opportunity for educators to come together to talk about good educational resources as well as ideas or issues. At first you don't necessarily have to say anything in the conversations, you can read and learn. After you find people to follow, conversations come to you. It is also important to "retweet" information so that helpful links/tips can be shared with more people. That is often how you get more people to follow you. The next step is to then join the conversations and to share your ideas. Using hashtags or the pound sign is also important because it gives you more exposure.
Q1: How can I use twitter to help me become a better teacher?
Twitter can enable to be a better teacher by giving me access to more resources. There are people out there who have probably been in situations in the classroom that I haven't and I can learn from them. Twitter can provide access to more information without having to do much work finding it. Instead of possibly spending hours looking for answers or tips, twitter can provide immediate responses to questions or problems.
Q2: How can I contribute to Twitter?
I can contribute by sharing my findings with the twitter world. If I come across a good article I read or learned something interesting, I can post a link to share with others.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Technology Self-Assessment: School 2.0
I chose to research more on the NETS-T module: Design and Develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments. After taking the quiz, I realized that I might need more help in this area. I know a little about technology, but probably not enough at the moment to use technology to its fullest in the classroom. I can see how technology can be useful in the classroom. So many young students today have cell phones, iphones, ipods, games I don’t even know the name of, that could possibly make learning more engaging and fun. If teachers can find ways to incorporate what technologies their students know/have, it could be a beneficial way of learning.
I chose to research more on the NETS-T module: Design and Develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments. After taking the quiz, I realized that I might need more help in this area. I know a little about technology, but probably not enough at the moment to use technology to its fullest in the classroom. I can see how technology can be useful in the classroom. So many young students today have cell phones, iphones, ipods, games I don’t even know the name of, that could possibly make learning more engaging and fun. If teachers can find ways to incorporate what technologies their students know/have, it could be a beneficial way of learning.
I found a couple links to be very beneficial for teachers and students. The first site that I really like was a technology toolkit found here. This site offers tools for teachers as well as students. Some things students could benefit from this site is the study skills section or the research tool area. These links help students to be better organized, to study online using flashcards, or to use a study games website. They also help students to learn how to document research or use different search tools. A good site for teachers on how to incorporate technology was the site here. This site offers practice guides or ideas on how to incorporate technology into lessons.
Technology can be very helpful in providing students with more opportunities to learn. It is important for teachers to try their best to use different methods of teaching and to incorporate technology into the classroom.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Journal 1: 100 Things That Make Me Happy
2. Sister
3. Brother
4. Dad
5. The Ocean
6. Dancing
7. Music
8. Dogs
9. Swimming
10. Pumpkin Pie
12. Strawberry Shortcake
13. Laughing
14. Modern Family
15. Camp fires/ bonfires
16. Friends
17. Playing the Piano
18. Traveling
19. Homemade food
20. Dolphins
21. Boating
22. Margaritas
23. Sunsets
24. Bright colors
25. Fun socks
26. Board games
27. Shoes
28. Disney Movies
29. Singing in the Car
30. Singing in the shower
31. Nail polish
32. Adventures
33. Going on dates
34. Road trips
35. A few of my swim students
36. My bear stuffed animal
37. Trees/leaves in the fall
38. Candles
39. Flowers
40. Warm, clear days
41. Live music
42. Baking
43. Shooting stars
44. Cocoa (family's dog)
45. Boyfriend
46. Star gazing
47. Teaching
48. Learning something new
49. My blanket my friend made
50. Star gazing
51. Laying by the pool
52. Water sports
53. Fruit snacks
54. Pictures
55. Walking barefoot in the sand
56. Sleeping in
57. Watching movies on rainy days
58. Coloring
59. Arts and crafts
60. Birthdays
61. Christmas
62. Halloween/dressing up
63. Hiking
64. Waterfalls
65. Driving with the windows down and music on
66. Convertibles
67. Bike rides
68. Rollerblading
69. Frisbee
70. Licorice
71. Puzzles
72. Kite flying
73. Swings
74. Waking up early for trips
75. Balloons
76. Blue
77. Working out
78. Shopping
79. Having a plan that actually works out
80. Reliable people
81. Doing something right
82. Girls night out
83. Teaching compliments
84. Lazy days
85. Being prepared
86. Hugs
87. Being productive/getting things done
88. Travel channel
89. Discovery or history channel sometimes when I feel like learning something
90. The unexpected text from someone I haven't talked to in a while
91. Hats
92. Knowing someone cares
93. Cleaning my room and have it stay clean (doesn't often stay clean for long haha)
94. Fruit
95. Going on walks
96. Dresses
97. Cooking or attempting to cook especially for others
98. Sweets/candy/chocolate/ice cream
99. Watching sports live
100. My life!
2. Sister
3. Brother
4. Dad
5. The Ocean
6. Dancing
7. Music
8. Dogs
9. Swimming
10. Pumpkin Pie
12. Strawberry Shortcake
13. Laughing
14. Modern Family
15. Camp fires/ bonfires
16. Friends
17. Playing the Piano
18. Traveling
19. Homemade food
20. Dolphins
21. Boating
22. Margaritas
23. Sunsets
24. Bright colors
25. Fun socks
26. Board games
27. Shoes
28. Disney Movies
29. Singing in the Car
30. Singing in the shower
31. Nail polish
32. Adventures
33. Going on dates
34. Road trips
35. A few of my swim students
36. My bear stuffed animal
37. Trees/leaves in the fall
38. Candles
39. Flowers
40. Warm, clear days
41. Live music
42. Baking
43. Shooting stars
44. Cocoa (family's dog)
45. Boyfriend
46. Star gazing
47. Teaching
48. Learning something new
49. My blanket my friend made
50. Star gazing
51. Laying by the pool
52. Water sports
53. Fruit snacks
54. Pictures
55. Walking barefoot in the sand
56. Sleeping in
57. Watching movies on rainy days
58. Coloring
59. Arts and crafts
60. Birthdays
61. Christmas
62. Halloween/dressing up
63. Hiking
64. Waterfalls
65. Driving with the windows down and music on
66. Convertibles
67. Bike rides
68. Rollerblading
69. Frisbee
70. Licorice
71. Puzzles
72. Kite flying
73. Swings
74. Waking up early for trips
75. Balloons
76. Blue
77. Working out
78. Shopping
79. Having a plan that actually works out
80. Reliable people
81. Doing something right
82. Girls night out
83. Teaching compliments
84. Lazy days
85. Being prepared
86. Hugs
87. Being productive/getting things done
88. Travel channel
89. Discovery or history channel sometimes when I feel like learning something
90. The unexpected text from someone I haven't talked to in a while
91. Hats
92. Knowing someone cares
93. Cleaning my room and have it stay clean (doesn't often stay clean for long haha)
94. Fruit
95. Going on walks
96. Dresses
97. Cooking or attempting to cook especially for others
98. Sweets/candy/chocolate/ice cream
99. Watching sports live
100. My life!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Introducing Jennifer
Hi! My name is Jennifer Church. I have lived in California my whole life. I grew up in Aliso Viejo, which is in Orange County. I went to a couple different elementary schools in the area then went to Aliso Viejo Middle School and Aliso Niguel High School. I love being in the water, probably because I grew up pretty close to the coast. I was on the high school swim team and in a sailing club. I attended college at CSU Chico where I studied liberal studies and child development. When I graduated I moved down to San Diego, took a year off school and I am starting the credential program in the Fall. During my year off, I have been teaching swim lessons and working as a middle school summer program leader.
I don’t really consider myself very technologically savvy. I know the basics, most likely because many classes throughout my school career have involved research papers, power point presentations and excel projects. I tried to make a movie with pictures, sounds and some effects one time, but it was pretty basic. I had fun doing it, but didn’t necessarily know how to make it look more advanced. I can see how the computer and technology can be very beneficial in the classroom, however, I definitely think I need to learn more on how to do that.
The part of the mission statement from the School of Education that stood out to me was the part about being committed to diversity, educational equity and life-long learning. The Untied States is becoming more and more diverse so it is important to make all students feel included in the classroom. Everyone deserves a chance to learn. The life-long learning part stood out to me because it is important for children to get in to good learning/studying habits that can help them in the future. It is important for students to not just do what they have to, to get through class. I chose San Marcos because they have a good teaching program and the mission statement mentioned things that are important to me.
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